Accessory Dwelling Units
New Regulations Approved
Regulations for accessory dwelling units were approved by City Council on Sept. 5, 2023. Detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs) were historically only allowed in the Old Town Residential zone district. The new regulations permit ADUs in most zone districts that allow single family dwellings and expand the types of ADUs to also include attached/interior units. Some basic design standards are required. No changes are proposed for the underlying standards for accessory buildings or accessory dwelling units (e.g., height, setbacks). The ordinance approving the regulations may be found in the document library to the right.
Access a handout of the new regulations in the document library to the right.
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Summary of New Regulations
- Expanding Beyond Old Town: The new regulations expand the availability of ADUs to most zones that currently permit single-family dwellings.
- Expanding the Palette of ADUs: The new regulations allow different types of ADUs, including detached ADUs (which were already allowed in Old Town), units that are attached to the main home (“attached”), and units within the main home (“interior”).
- Design Standards: Basic design standards are established.
- Allowing Under Existing Rules: No changes are made to the underlying standards for accessory buildings or accessory dwelling units (e.g., height, setbacks).
What is an Accessory Dwelling Unit?
An Accessory Dwelling Unit (or "ADU"), is a small independent living space on the same lot as a primary residence. It typically includes a kitchen and bathroom. These are sometimes referred to as mother-in-law suites or carriage houses. Detached ADUs are currently allowed in the Old Town Residential zone district.
What is the Accessory Dwelling Unit Project?
This project takes a fresh look at the appropriateness and potential locations for different types of accessory dwelling units in Lafayette. It is a temporary step taken in anticipation of a comprehensive revamp of the Land Use Code in 2024. The proposed regulations, if implemented, would give certain homeowners the option to construct an ADU on their property, as long as they meet existing standards related to size, location, lot coverage, and other factors.
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