South Boulder Road Multimodal Improvement Project
Week of March 2 - 8:
Please use caution in the work zone and follow construction signage. Construction schedules are weather-dependent and subject to change.
Brief, intermittent daytime lane closures on South Boulder Road and on 120th Street are expected over the next few months. The location of the lane closures will vary and travel delays are expected. Please allow extra time on your drive through the corridor or use alternative routes.
Project Overview
The City of Lafayette’s South Boulder Road Multimodal Improvements Project will enhance safety and multimodal travel for all users along this corridor. This Project includes improvements to South Boulder Road, between the Saratoga/Merlin Drive intersection and 120th Street, with minor work on City Center Circle and on 120th Street, between approximately Eastwind Drive and Coal Creek.
Project work includes:
- Improving South Boulder Road from the Saratoga/Merlin Drive intersection to 120th Street to accommodate a center turn lane, bike lanes, and a new 6-foot-wide sidewalk on the north side of South Boulder Road.
- Constructing a new multi-use path (10-foot-wide sidewalk) along the south side of South Boulder Road from the Saratoga/Merlin Drive intersection to 120th Street to improve multimodal connectivity to Alicia Sanchez Elementary School.
- Intermittent sidewalk improvements along City Center Circle from South Boulder Road to the RTD Park-n-Ride.
- Intermittent sidewalk improvements along City Center Circle from South Boulder Road to the RTD Park-n-Ride.
- Reconstructing the LaMont Does Park parking lot.
- Burying overhead power lines along South Boulder Road.
- Constructing a new signalized intersection at South Boulder Road and 120th Street, and widening 120th Street at this intersection.
- Improving drainage along South Boulder Road and 120th Street.
- Replacing an aging water line.
This is a City of Lafayette project, funded by a Colorado Department of Transportation grant, Boulder County’s countywide transportation sales tax and City of Lafayette road funds.
Connect with the Project team:
- Sign up at the top right corner of this page to receive email updates about the Project
- Construction hotline: 720-534-0081
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